20 JUL 2013 - My name is PEACH and I love to play blues...
Vents Magaine
20 JUL 2013
So why don't you introduce yourself?
My name is PEACH and I love to play blues...I am an American, born in Anderson, Indiana. I started playing electric guitar at the age Of 11. I've always loved how the electric guitar sounds. Today I live in Venice, CA.
How did you guys get started In the music scene?
I started playing gigs around the age of 16 in the Midwest. I explored playing all kinds of music: folk, pop, jazz. I went to music school in Colorado, then moved to San Francisco and played jazz for 10 years or so. Then one day I realized, "I really just want to play blues"..."rockin' blues."
What's the story behind your stage name?
I was called "Paiche" by my sister as a baby. That became "Peachie" ...and then one day, I became "PEACH".
What are your music influences?
In the vocal world I pay tribute to Ernestine Anderson, Ann Peebles, Etta James, Bidu Sayao, Aretha Franklin. Guitarists: Freddie King, B.B. King, Cornell Dupree. Songwriting: Laura Nyro, Bob Dylan, Keb'Mo', Joni Mitchell and poet Emily Dickinson.
How do you see the Blues music scene?
I aspire to play blues in Europe because I find the blues to be very respected there. Also, the players are relaxed and playing or the love of it. Sometimes I find the Los Angeles scene to be "competitive" and traditionally, for me, that's not what the blues is about...it's about enjoyment, fun, and the music.
What's your songwriting method?
Small pieces ot songs come to me...a lyric, a melody and then I go back on build on that or have a friend jump in to collaborate.
What's next in PEACH's world?
I am making some new videos in the next couple of months. One video or a recent perlorniance has received 47,000 views on VouTube this month
We will be performing at The Real Blues Festival of Orange County at the Anaheim House of Olues on September 8, 2013. We are in the planning stages for performances in Scandinavia for the summer of 2014 with Danish guitarist Aske Jacoby & friends.
Where can we find more about your music?
Source: http://en.calameo.com/read/0004666400158ec63a775?page=68
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